ClearShield ‘Non-Stick’ Glass Frequently Asked Questions

We hope this page answers any questions you may have about ClearShield. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Q. What is it?
A. ClearShield ‘Non-Stick’ Glass is a unique and higher quality of glass which can be kept looking and performing like new for life. ClearShield Glass keeps its promise of clarity, visibility and easy-clean.

Q. How does it work?
A. ClearShield Glass works like ‘non-stick’ cookware. It:
- is much easier to clean and keep clean – eliminating the need for harsh and abrasive cleaning products or methods
- resists staining and discolouration – keeping its ‘as new’ appearance and performance
much longer
- looks cleaner and brighter for longer between cleanings – improving general appearance,
performance and customer satisfaction

Q. How long does it last?
A. When a simple and economical after-care programme is followed, ClearShield Glass looks and performs like new for years, depending on environmental conditions.

Q. What is the after-care programme and what is its purpose?
A. The after-care programme consists of:
- after-care products specially formulated to maintain the appearance and performance of ClearShield Glass;
- a “booster” to restore the appearance and performance whenever reduced by atmospheric abrasion or chemical attack, such as hard water deposits or concrete run-off.

Q. How is ClearShield Glass made?
A. By a special process (the ClearShield System) which converts the surface of ordinary glass into a ‘non-stick’, easy-clean surface that is chemically inert to most substances.

Q. Where is this conversion process carried out?
A. Either to new glass in the factory of a glass processor/fabricator or to existing glass in a building, marine vessel or transportation vehicle.

Q. Does this have any effect on glass colour, optical properties or light transmission?
A. No, except to maintain the original performance by keeping the glass cleaner and brighter.

Q. Does ClearShield ‘Non-Stick’ Glass require cleaning?
A. Yes. Again, just as ‘non-stick’ cookware needs some cleaning, so does ClearShield Glass. On average, cleaning is required less than half as often as with ordinary glass.

Q. How much does it cost?
A. This depends upon where and how ClearShield Glass is produced. If factory-produced, the cost depends mainly upon type of glass and method of production. If onsite, the cost of converting ordinary glass into ClearShield Glass depends mainly upon condition of the glass, e.g. the degree of staining/discolouration and accessibility.

As general comparisons, factory-produced ClearShield Glass normally costs less than half as much as low-E or toughened glass. To convert glass onsite, the cost is two or three times this amount due to extra costs of labour, travel, etc.

Q. What if the glass is already installed and has become stained/discoloured?
A. For glass already stained/discoloured, the ClearShield System renovates the surface to its original and ‘as-new’ appearance. Then, after the glass is converted into ClearShield ‘Non-Stick’ Glass, a simple and economical after-care programme is recommended.

The after-care programme keeps ClearShield ‘Non-Stick’ Glass looking and performing like new for life – keeping its promise of visibility, clarity and cleanliness.

Q. What will attack ClearShield Glass?
A. Similar to ‘non-stick’ cookware, abrasive cleaners and harsh chemicals can attack the surface of ClearShield Glass. However, such products are not necessary due to the ‘easy-clean’ properties of ClearShield Glass.

Q. Can ClearShield be used for plastics such as acrylics or polycarbonates?
A. No. ClearShield only works on vitreous surfaces such as glass, ceramics and porcelain. It washes off other surfaces.

Q. How do you clean ClearShield ‘Non-Stick’ Glass?
A. With special after-care products to maintain the performance and appearance of ClearShield Glass for life.

Q. Is it necessary to use special cleaning products for maintaining ClearShield ‘Non-Stick’ Glass?
A. Our products are recommended because they are specially formulated to maintain the appearance and performance of ClearShield Glass. Other products may be used provided they are not abrasive and do not leave a residue or film, but customer should consult with us if the performance and appearance of ClearShield Glass are to be optimised.

Q. Is it possbile to use Clearshield on the car glass?
A. Yes, it is possible to use Clearshield on car glass, though not all car glasses is siutable for glass renovation. In such case, glass would be damaged irreversably.

Q. Does the Clearshield system stop glass condensation?
No, Clearshield system, doesn't stop glass condensation